Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Assignment 7

Collateral Murder uses truth by delivering an authentic look at a standard military air attack.  This film sees truth as the origin of a cause or an idea.  Imagine walking the street and a bomb drops and explodes in the street across from you.  Why did that happen?  Someone is behind this and they must've had a reason.  Who's that someone? What is the reason for their destructive action?  The answer to these questions deals with origin (of phenomena).  Origin is what Collateral Murder calls truth.  Rewind the incident and trace the bomb back into the plane, then see whose hand pushed the button, and why.  Why is the reason for dropping the bomb, it's also the origin of an idea that lead to an action.  This film operates truth successfully because it is a documentary with not only raw footage but behind the curtains footage.  The success of this is a product of the men working the attack.  We hear the eagerness in their voices to press the button.  No poise is felt, no chivalry.  As Americans watching this we are embarrassed and even more frightened to have 'emotionally unstable' savages licking their chops for blood.  Not only this, but as Americans we feel deceived by our entire government after hearing the thought process of our trigger-happy warriors.  Deception is felt also due to the manner of the attack.  Innocent civilians murdered from thousands of feet away.  We see their view and there was no sense of terror in the quiet plane cabin.  Chilling.

My theory is in this day, no snakes can survive.  There are more cameras than ever before, more recording devices, more monitors, more media that can be sent from Hong Kong to Iowa in less than a second.   You can't try to succeed with a faulty character.  If you do for a while, there will be a slip up.  You will be exposed and you will be a fool.  As far as contemporary war is concerned, I think we're at a point where a kill won't traumatise anymore.  There can be no connection felt between two men fighting to the death.  The opponent advanced from a creature to target.  I theorize serious military regulations relating to distance of kill.


  1. I really like your idea of this emotionless war era, where with the simple click of a button, thousands of people can be killed without even the batter of an eye. This kind of war because of technology allows for the culprit to remove all emotions from said actions by indirectly causing such circumstances without actually being preset. This idea is eye opening and chilling, as you said, and feels even more so because it is the type of war in which our country along with many others are involved in each and every day. One question I do have is how do you or others feel we could go about changing such war tactics? Have we made progress or fallen even worse into such habits?

  2. I really like your idea of this emotionless war era, where with the simple click of a button, thousands of people can be killed without even the batter of an eye. This kind of war because of technology allows for the culprit to remove all emotions from said actions by indirectly causing such circumstances without actually being preset. This idea is eye opening and chilling, as you said, and feels even more so because it is the type of war in which our country along with many others are involved in each and every day. One question I do have is how do you or others feel we could go about changing such war tactics? Have we made progress or fallen even worse into such habits?


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