Wednesday, July 22, 2015

5. Ideology within "Black Mirror"

The process of interpolation within Ideological State Apparatuses continually reinforce the dominant values of society and establish a sense of promise and possibility for economic upward mobility which ensures the continued reproduction of the conditions and relations of production. This important principle held by Althusser can be clearly seen in the media source “Black Mirror” through its depiction of interpolation of workers within the mass media Ideological State Apparatus. Additionally, “Black Mirror” depicts the power of the mass media Ideological State Apparatus over the workers by showing how the workers perceive themselves as workers rather than as individuals.

Through the use of the mass media Ideological State Apparatus, “Black Mirror” effectively and perpetually reproduces the conditions and relations of production turning individual workers into subjects. This process otherwise known as interpolation subjects workers to a wage system style of life within the mass media Ideological State Apparatus, where the workers have to ride bikes and watch television programs in order to gain the credits needed to purchase needs and wants in their lives. An excellent example of this in “Black Mirror” is a worker's choice to save enough credits to buy a spot on the “Hot Seat Show” in hopes of achieving the value of fame and success which is promised to the few that actually achieve it. However, the majority of the workers who purchased a spot on the “Hot Seat Show” were demeaned and marked as failures for the entertainment of other workers who are watching the show. The hope to achieve the value of fame and success is instilled within workers through the process of interpolation within the mass media Ideological State Apparatus, where the various programs all contribute to the main idea that if you work hard, you can achieve the success you dream of. This secures the successful reproduction of the conditions and relations of production where workers agree to continue working and earning credits.

Ideological State Apparatuses through the interpolation of individuals instills dominant society’s held values so much that individuals enact these values without thinking about it or challenging it as they know of no other way to perceive the world. In the case of “Black Mirror” the effects of the mass media Ideological State Apparatus can be seen by the workers collective sense of individualism. Each individual worker lives alone in a bedroom and rely upon various forms of technology to interact with the world around them. Rather than depending on and interacting with others, individuals depend upon and interact with the technology which is vital to fulfilling their needs and furthering their own interests in life. In this case, the biking and watching television programs allows the workers to pursue their held ideal and fulfill society’s promise of economic upward mobility through hard work. In all, the workers actively perceive themselves as a “worker” defined by the institution they exist within.

1 comment:

  1. I think your first sentence, taking from Althusser's model, does a perfect job of characterizing the endless downward spiral of mass consumerism in today's culture. It is apparent that these conditions continually reproduce themselves, ultimately leaving us in a state subordination to those apparatuses which are continually directing our culture.


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