Monday, July 13, 2015

Black Mirror: It's About to Get Real

I think most of us probably had the same thoughts when it came to Black Mirror; it was clearly a take on how media is starting to overrun our countries, but along with that I think it took a real look at humans as beings.

The show itself had a very unrealistic setting, but I think that it spoke about a lot of real things that happen in real life, in reality. A couple of them being rape culture and fat shaming. The things that Abi was forced to do after "complying" to be on that porn show were degrading and what I considered to be rape. Using that as entertainment for the masses was disgusting and personally really difficult to listen to. It can be argued that because Abi said "I guess" to being on the show that that means that she gave consent but she was given "compliance" to drink before the show and that is like a rapist saying that someone gave consent when they were drugged. Drugged consent is not consent. And the fat shaming that that awful man and that awful show were doing was just as degrading as when it's done subtly to people in and out of entertainment.

But I think that the biggest thing that the show hit on that was realistic was people's drive to speak their minds. Everyone wants to be heard and a lot of people will go really far to do so. This man's one man protest has been seen over and over again in today's society. Just go on YouTube and you will see millions of videos of people speaking their minds and saying what they feel whether it be as serious as this shows or some silly video about eating cinnamon. People long to have their voice heard and I think that was the biggest "real" part about this show.

1 comment:

  1. In Black Mirror, the fat shaming and rape culture you mentioned in this unrealistic show are problems that are pretty real in the world we live in. Of course the way it’s illustrated in the show is a not how it is in the real world literally but the ideas can definitely be seen in modern society. The idea of compliance you mentioned I agree can be compared to being drugged since it produces a negative and horrible outcome because of it. In today’s society fat shaming is also present in the way we put down and reprimand people who aren’t a certain size. Sure we don’t have channels that show large people getting food stuff in their made for laughs but we do have the media showing us what beauty is supposed to look like and how if you don’t look like that you need to find a way how.


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