Monday, July 13, 2015

The Realities of Black Mirror

The episode of Black Mirror we viewed, Fifteen Million Merits, gives a darker and exaggerated insight as to how technology is use in modern society as well as what the future could hold. While it’s not reality T.V. it gives the audience a look into how we surrender ourselves to the digital world instead of the real one. Every part of the characters’ lives revolves around some sort of technology and constantly see a screen everywhere they look. They are trapped in this reality that’s fake. They play games to make fake money to spend on false objects and the whole episode just seems like a bad dream. Of course this show takes the ideas of media and technology to the extreme, but there is great amount of truth in how big a role technology plays in our world today. So many people can’t even leave a room without their phone, iPod or whatever piece of technology they are consuming. Each generation becomes more and more oblivious to how to live in the real world and have real connections because it’s easier to live in this digital world. We live in a society surrounded by media and screens, though not to the extent Black Mirror illustrates. But still we are controlled by the power of technology and have become dependent on it. The reality is that we now live through our screens everyday and this episode exposes this revelation through an approach that is dark and satirical.


  1. I think you're right that this episode is an exaggerated portrayal of our dependence on technology. Lots of companies are becoming rich off our need for the newest fastest piece of technology that they can create. There are millions of people who wait outside of Apple stores just so that they can get the newest iPhone the day it comes out, yet their old phone works perfectly fine.

  2. When you mentioned about fake money, it reminds me of the money that we are using now. It is actually just a piece of cheap paper which the value is determined by the central banks. It is very fluid depending on the demand and the supply of the money. Also, we in fact already have virtual money like bitcoin which is surprisingly getting a lot of attention lately. It is funny when technology is invented to make our life better when it is actually making our life worse in the long run if the usage is left without any controls and boundaries.


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