Monday, June 15, 2015

Assignment Zero: Hi! I'm Patrick Dugan

My name is Patrick, and I'm going to be a Senior at the U next year. I am now studying Cinema and Media Culture, Strategic Communications, and Management. I just added my Management Minor, and I realized that it takes a couple more credits to fulfill than I originally planned. So, I am taking a couple of summer courses in order to graduate on time. I am from St. Louis, Missouri, but I really enjoy the home and friends I have in Minneapolis. I work as a tour guide for the university, and I also work at the Minnesota Daily placing ads in the paper. I'm constantly on the hunt for internships, and I am beginning to freak out about my plans for after college. 

I really enjoy the movie Seven Psychopaths, a recent Martin McDonagh film that never became very popular, but I find it extremely entertaining. I watch a lot of movies, but there always seems to be more movies to watch. I will watch whatever is in front of me, but I have slowly strayed away from older movies (anything before the 80's really). I have found them to become a bit dated for me, and it is hard to get involved with story. An example of these types of movies would be Deer Hunter. I know it is a respected movie, but I ended up absolutely hated sitting and watching that movie for over two hours. 

I hope to watch a lot of current films in Cinema and Ideology, and learning how these recent movies reflect, or call attention to past events or films. I believe that movies are using pop culture references more than ever, and I want to learn how to dissect these references and actually understand the jokes or call-backs of these recent movies.

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