Sunday, June 14, 2015

Rachael Falade: About Me

Hello everyone!

My name is Rachael Falade. I love many things including my dog, but most of them being food. I am Nigerian so most of the food I hold dear to my heart is Nigerian but in actuality I will eat anything if it's good.

I am taking this class because I am minoring in CSCL and this class sounded like an interesting topic for the summer as I am open to trying new things; besides, the professor had great reviews.
My favorite film "Spirited Away", is an animated movie about a young girl and her experiences in her young life. This movie is one of my favorites because of the amazing animation by Studio Ghibli and Hayao Miyazaki. Also the vivid and unforgettable characters I encountered the first time I watched it have stayed with me until now. 

Other movies near and dear to my heart include Sweeny Todd starring Johnny Depp and other movies starring Johnny Depp. 

I am hoping to learn some cool things about blogging as well as cinema in general. I really don't have any specific expectations besides learning something new and having fun!

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